Lal,G.Sankar’s team published research in Tetrahedron Letters in 1988 | 104322-63-6

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about Oxidation, stereoselective. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6.

Davis, Franklin A.; Lal, G. Sankar; Wei, Jia published the artcile< Stereo- and regioselective formation of silyl enol ethers via oxidation of vinyl anions>, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6, the main research area is silyl enol ether stereoselective preparation; oxidation vinyl bromide derivative stereoselective; vinyllithium stereoselective oxidation.

Oxidation of E- and Z-vinyllithiums, R1CR2:CR3Li (R1-R3 = Ph, Me, Et, etc.), with silyl peroxides, RSiMe2OOSiMe2R (R = Me, Me3C), affords silyl enol ethers, R1CR2:CR3OSiMe2R, in good to excellent yield with retention of configuration. This methodol. represents a useful new procedure for the stereo- and regioselective synthesis of ketone enolates.

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about Oxidation, stereoselective. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6.

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