Safety of Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate. Aromatic compounds can be divided into two categories: single heterocycles and fused heterocycles. Compound: Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate, is researched, Molecular Al2H8O13S3, CAS is 17927-65-0, about Alkaline, mental, and acidic ranges [in papermaking]. Author is Volkel, H.-G.; Weigl, J..
The manufacturing of papers is described under acidic and neutral operating conditions. The fabrication of papers under these conditions is based on the use of Al2(SO4)3.18H2O and CaCO3 as white pigments. The competing reactions of these 2 reagents are described and their advantages and disadvantages for paper production are discussed in relation to the pH value and the wood content of the papers.
Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(17927-65-0)Safety of Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate, more information about the compound(Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate) is in the article, you can click the link below.
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