Analyzing the synthesis route of 27148-03-4

With the synthetic route has been constantly updated, we look forward to future research findings about Benzo[d]isothiazole-3(2H)-thione 1,1-dioxide,belong isothiazole compound

As a common heterocyclic compound, it belong isothiazole compound,Benzo[d]isothiazole-3(2H)-thione 1,1-dioxide,27148-03-4,Molecular formula: C7H5NO2S2,mainly used in chemical industry, its synthesis route is as follows.,27148-03-4

General procedure: For 6: A solution of thiosaccharin (tsacH) (0.06 g, 0.307 mmol) in chloroform (8 cm3) was added to a solution of [PtCl2(kappa2-dppm)] (0.10 g, 0.154 mmol) in chloroform (10 cm3). A few drops of triethylamine were added and the resulting mixture was heated under reflex for 1 h. This produced a yellow solution was filtered off and reduced to half volume. Methanol (2 cm3) was added and the mixture was set a side to evaporate slowly at room temperature. The yellow crystalline solid thus formed was filtered off and dried in a vacuum oven (0.12 g, 91%).

With the synthetic route has been constantly updated, we look forward to future research findings about Benzo[d]isothiazole-3(2H)-thione 1,1-dioxide,belong isothiazole compound

Article; Al-Jibori, Subhi A.; Al-Jibori, Mohamed H.S.; Hogarth, Graeme; Inorganica Chimica Acta; vol. 398; (2013); p. 117 – 123;,
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