Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About C8H10O2

Welcome to talk about 151-10-0, If you have any questions, you can contact Ojah, EO; Moronkola, DO; Ajiboye, CO; Yusuf, TL; Adeniyi-Akee, MA or send Email.. Computed Properties of C8H10O2

Computed Properties of C8H10O2. Authors Ojah, EO; Moronkola, DO; Ajiboye, CO; Yusuf, TL; Adeniyi-Akee, MA in TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD published article about in [Ojah, Emmanuel Onah; Moronkola, Dorcas Olufunke; Ajiboye, Clement Odunayo] Univ Ibadan, Dept Chem, Ibadan, Nigeria; [Ojah, Emmanuel Onah] Mt Top Univ, Dept Chem Sci, Coll Basic & Appl Sci, Makogi Oba, Ogun State, Nigeria; [Yusuf, Tunde Lewis] Univ KwaZulu Natal, Sch Chem & Phys, Private Bag X54001,Westville Campus, ZA-4000 Durban, South Africa; [Adeniyi-Akee, Mukaram Akintunde] Igbined Univ, Dept Pharmaceut Chem, Coll Pharm, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria in 2021, Cited 47. The Name is 1,3-Dimethoxybenzene. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 151-10-0

The chemical composition of essential oils (EOs) isolated by hydrodistillation from Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub. root wood and root bark were determined for the first time by GC/MS analysis. The EOs gave a percentage yield (w/w) of 0.34 % and 0.31 % for root wood and root bark respectively. A total of 60 compounds accounting for 86.1 % of the root wood EO composition were identified with monoterpenes (45.4 %) and sesquiterpenes (14.7 %) as predominant constituents. Root bark EO gave 53 identified constituents which make up about 78.5 % of the EO dominated by non-terpenes (23.4 %) and alkanes (14.1 %). The EOs are good sources of limonene (16.9 %), gamma-terpinene (9.8 %) and p-cymene (6.70 %). The anti-diabetic (alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase models) and antioxidant activities (DPPH and H2O2 models) of EOs were evaluated in comparison with standard drugs. Alpha-amylase inhibition gave IC50 values (mg/mL) of 0.0493 and 0.0471 for root wood and root bark EOs respectively, compared to acarbose the standard anti-diabetic drug (0.0401) while alpha-glucosidase assay gave IC50 values (mg/mL) of 0.0517 and 0.0486 for root wood and root bark EOs respectively, compared with acarbose (0.0418). In the DPPH antioxidant assay, root bark EO showed higher activity (0.157 mg/mL) compared to root wood EO (0.159 mg/mL) while Root wood and root bark EOs had IC(50 )values (mg/mL) of 0.157 and 0.171 respectively using the H2O2 model. Results revealed the presence of chemical constituents in the EOs which could be responsible for activities expressed by the plant.

Welcome to talk about 151-10-0, If you have any questions, you can contact Ojah, EO; Moronkola, DO; Ajiboye, CO; Yusuf, TL; Adeniyi-Akee, MA or send Email.. Computed Properties of C8H10O2

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