McClure, Cynthia K’s team published research in Tetrahedron Letters in 1991-09-23 | 104322-63-6

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about 104322-63-6. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6.

McClure, Cynthia K.; Grote, Christopher W. published the artcile< α,β-Functionalization of enones via pentacovalent oxaphospholenes>, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6, the main research area is oxaphospholene functionalization enone; phosphonate keto acylvinyl.

2,2,2-Triethoxy-1,2λ5-oxaphospholene reacts under mild, neutral conditions with bromine, dialkyl azodicarboxylates, and oxaziridines to produce β-heteroatom substituted γ-ketophosphonates and β-acyl vinyl phosphonate in high yields.

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about 104322-63-6. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Application In Synthesis of 104322-63-6.

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