Davis, Franklin A’s team published research in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1988-12-07 | 104322-63-6

Journal of the American Chemical Society published new progress about Crystal structure. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Synthetic Route of 104322-63-6.

Davis, Franklin A.; Towson, James C.; Weismiller, Michael C.; Lal, Sankar; Carroll, Patrick J. published the artcile< Chemistry of oxaziridines. 11. (Camphorylsulfonyl)oxaziridine: synthesis and properties>, Synthetic Route of 104322-63-6, the main research area is camphorylsulfonyloxaziridine preparation oxidation sulfide; crystal structure camphorylsulfonyloxaziridine; mol structure camphorylsulfonyloxaziridine; oxaziridine camphorylsulfonyl preparation crystal structure; asym synthesis sulfoxide.

(+)- And (-)-(camphorylsulfonyl)oxaziridines (+)- and (-)-I are prepared in 3 steps from (+)- and (-)-camphorsulfonyl chlorides in 67% overall yield. In contrast to other optically active sulfonimines, which give on oxidation mixtures of oxaziridine diastereoisomers, oxidation of camphorsulfonimine (-)-II [the precursor to (+)-I] with oxone produces only a single isomer in >95% yield. In the asym. oxidation of prochiral sulfides by I the enantioselectivities are lower than those reported for oxidation by optically active N-sulfamyloxaziridine (5-73 vs. 35-60% enantiomeric excess). This difference is discussed in terms of different active site structures for the 2 oxaziridines. The configuration of the oxaziridine 3-membered ring in I controls the configuration of the product, with (+)-I and (-)-I giving the opposite senses of asym. induction. I does not readily oxidize amines or epoxidize alkenes. Oppolzer’s sultam chiral auxiliary [(-)-III] is prepared in 92% yield by hydride reduction of (-)-II. The structure of (+)-I was determined by x-ray crystallog.

Journal of the American Chemical Society published new progress about Crystal structure. 104322-63-6 belongs to class isothiazole, and the molecular formula is C10H15NO3S, Synthetic Route of 104322-63-6.

Isothiazole – Wikipedia,
Isothiazole – ScienceDirect.com