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Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(17927-65-0)Safety of Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate, more information about the compound(Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate) is in the article, you can click the link below.

Safety of Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate. The mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution of aromatic heterocycles is consistent with that of benzene. Compound: Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate, is researched, Molecular Al2H8O13S3, CAS is 17927-65-0, about State of water in the dehydration products of beryllium and aluminum sulfates. Author is Chuvaev, V. F.; Gazarov, R. A.; Spitsyn, V. I..

The NMR of BeSO4.4H2O, Al2(SO4)3.18H2O and of the products of their dehydration were determined Some details of the NMR spectra of MgSO4.7H2O and its dehydration products were also investigated. Substantial increase of the interproton distance was observed in all the sulfates studied possessing low amounts of H2O. This phenomenon is explained by the strong polarization of the H2O mols. and by expansion of the O-H bonds.

Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(17927-65-0)Safety of Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate, more information about the compound(Aluminum(III) sulfate xhydrate) is in the article, you can click the link below.

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