Simple exploration of 560-09-8

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(560-09-8)SDS of cas: 560-09-8 and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

The preparation of ester heterocycles mostly uses heteroatoms as nucleophilic sites, which are achieved by intramolecular substitution or addition reactions. Compound: (1S,3R)-1,2,2-Trimethylcyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid( cas:560-09-8 ) is researched.SDS of cas: 560-09-8.Terol, A.; Pauvert, B.; Bouassab, A.; Chevallet, P.; Cassanas, G. published the article 《Thermal analysis of a series of camphor derivatives》 about this compound( cas:560-09-8 ) in Journal of Thermal Analysis. Keywords: camphor derivative thermal analysis IR spectra; x ray diffraction camphor derivative; DSC camphor derivative; calorimetry differential scanning camphor derivative; polymorphism camphor derivative; tautomerism camphor derivative. Let’s learn more about this compound (cas:560-09-8).

Thermal anal. of a series of camphor derivatives, e.g. I [R = OH, C6H4OMe-4, C6H3(OEt)2-4,2, C6H4SMe, etc.] and II-IV, has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Different behaviors with the appearance of glassy, amorphous, crystalline, polymorphous compounds and tautomeric mixture were detected. These results have been confirmed by IR spectroscopy and by X-ray diffraction.

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(560-09-8)SDS of cas: 560-09-8 and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

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