Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About 151-10-0

Welcome to talk about 151-10-0, If you have any questions, you can contact Ruiz-Moyano, S; Hernandez, A; Galvan, AI; Cordoba, MG; Casquete, R; Serradilla, MJ; Martin, A or send Email.. Formula: C8H10O2

Ruiz-Moyano, S; Hernandez, A; Galvan, AI; Cordoba, MG; Casquete, R; Serradilla, MJ; Martin, A in [Ruiz-Moyano, Santiago; Hernandez, Alejandro; Cordoba, Maria G.; Casquete, Rocio; Martin, Alberto] Univ Extremadura, Inst Univ Recursos Agr INURA, Escuela Ingn Agr, Nutr & Bromatol, Ctra Caceres S-N, Badajoz 06007, Spain; [Galvan, Ana, I] Ctr Invest Finca Orden Valdesequera CICYTEX, Area Hortofruticultura, Autovia Madrid Lisboa S-N, Guadajira 060187, Spain; [Serradilla, Manuel J.] Ctr Invest Cient & Tecnol Extremadura CICYTEX, Inst Tecnol Agroalimentario Extremadura INTAEX, Area Vegetales, Ave Adolfo Suarez S-N, Badajoz 06007, Spain published Selection and application of antifungal VOCs-producing yeasts as biocontrol agents of grey mould in fruits in 2020, Cited 51. Formula: C8H10O2. The Name is 1,3-Dimethoxybenzene. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 151-10-0.

Rotting caused by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) is a concerning disease for numerous crops both pre- and postharvest stages. Application of antagonistic yeasts is a promising strategy for controlling grey mould incidence which could mitigate undesirable consequences of using synthetic fungicides. In this work, a screening for detection of yeasts isolated from figs producers of antifungal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were performed by confrontation in double dishes systems. Eleven out of 34 yeasts confronted reduced B. cinerea growth parameter in vitro. This reduction was correlated (p <= 0.050) with the production of 10 volatile compounds: two acids (acetic acid and octanoic acid), 7 esters (Ethyl propionate, n-Propyl acetate, Isobutyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, furfuryl acetate, phenylmethyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl acetate) and one ketone (Heptan-2-one). In bases on in vitro assay, Hanseniaspora uvarum 793 was applied to in vivo assays with strawberries and cherries. The reduction of incidence of B. cinerea in strawberries at 7 degrees C and 25 degrees C was 54.9 and 72.1% after 6 and 3 days, respectively. The reduction of incidence of B. cinerea in cherries at 7 degrees C and 25 degrees C was 48.9 and 45.6% after 5 and 4 days, respectively. These results showed that VOCs produced by Hanseniaspora uvarum 793 are effective in the control of incidence of Botrytis cinerea in fruits, being a potential alternative to chemical fungicide. Welcome to talk about 151-10-0, If you have any questions, you can contact Ruiz-Moyano, S; Hernandez, A; Galvan, AI; Cordoba, MG; Casquete, R; Serradilla, MJ; Martin, A or send Email.. Formula: C8H10O2

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