Brief introduction of C9H10O3

Reference of 93-02-7, Sometimes chemists are able to propose two or more mechanisms that are consistent with the available data.I hope my blog about 93-02-7 is helpful to your research.

Chemical Research Letters, April 2021. Healthcare careers for chemists are once again largely based in laboratories, although increasingly there is opportunity to work at the point of care, helping with patient investigation. 93-02-7, Name is 2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde, molecular formula is C9H10O3, Reference of 93-02-7, belongs to isothiazole compound, is a common compound. In a patnet, author is Cole, Callie A., once mentioned the new application about 93-02-7.

As more complex organic molecules are detected in the interstellar medium, the importance of heterocyclic molecules to astrobiology and the origin of life has become evident. 2-Aminothiazole and 2-aminooxazole have recently been suggested as important nucleotide precursors, highlighting azoles as potential prebiotic molecules. This study explores the gas-phase chemistry of three deprotonated azoles: oxazole, thiazole, and isothiazole. For the first time, their gas-phase acidities are experimentally determined with bracketing and H/D exchange techniques, and their reactivity is characterized with several detected interstellar neutral molecules (N2O, O-2, CO, OCS, CO2, and SO2) and other reactive species (CS2, CH3Cl, (CH3)(3)CCl, and (CH3)(3)CBr). Rate constants and branching fractions for these reactions are experimentally measured using a modified commercial ion trap mass spectrometer whose kinetic data are in good accord with those of a flowing afterglow apparatus reported here. Last, we have examined the fragmentation patterns of these deprotonated azoles to elucidate their destruction mechanisms in high-energy environments. All experimental data are supported and complemented by electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) and MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVDZ levels of theory.

Reference of 93-02-7, Sometimes chemists are able to propose two or more mechanisms that are consistent with the available data.I hope my blog about 93-02-7 is helpful to your research.

Isothiazole – Wikipedia,
,Isothiazole –