Extended knowledge of 107869-45-4

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107869-45-4, Name is (3aR,6S)-8,8-Dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-3H-3a,6-methanobenzo[c]isothiazole 2,2-dioxide, belongs to isothiazole compound, is a common compound. Safety of (3aR,6S)-8,8-Dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-3H-3a,6-methanobenzo[c]isothiazole 2,2-dioxideIn an article, once mentioned the new application about 107869-45-4.

A convenient, improved synthesis of (camphoryl)sulfonyl oxaziridines

A convenient, efficient procedure for the large scale synthesis of chiral oxidizing reagents (+), and (-)-((8,8-dichlorocamphory)sulfonyl)oxaziridine, 5, as well as of 8,8 unsubstituted (+), and (-) (camphoryl)sulfonyl oxaziridine, 4, from (+), or (-) (camphoryl)imine, 2, in step yields of 83% to 95%, is reported.

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Isothiazole – Wikipedia,
Isothiazole – ScienceDirect.com