The important role of 4-Bromoisothiazole

24340-77-0 is used more and more widely, we look forward to future research findings about 4-Bromoisothiazole

As a common heterocyclic compound, it belongs to isothiazole compound, name is 4-Bromoisothiazole, and cas is 24340-77-0, its synthesis route is as follows.,24340-77-0

Step 4: 3-(6-Chloro-l-isothiazol-4-yl-2-methyl-lH-indol-3-ylsulfanyl)-benzoic acid ethyl ester[00503] 3-(6-Chloro-2-methyl-lH-indol-3-ylsulfanyl)-benzoic acid ethyl ester (0.250 g, 0.723 mmol) was combined with CuO (0.118 g, 1.48 mmol), potassium carbonate (0.130 g, 0.941 mmol) and 4- bromoisothiazole (0.250 g, 1.52 mmol) in pyridine (2 mL) and the reaction was heated to 145 C overnight. After cooling the reaction was partitioned between ?0 and DCM and the aqueous layer was extracted with DCM. The combined organics were dried over MgS04 and concentrated then submitted to silica gel chromatograp -20% EtOAc in hexanes) to yield the title compound.

24340-77-0 is used more and more widely, we look forward to future research findings about 4-Bromoisothiazole

Patent; AMIRA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.; ROPPE, Jeffrey, Roger; PARR, Timothy, Andrew; STOCK, Nicholas, Simon; VOLKOTS, Deborah; HUTCHINSON, John, Howard; WO2012/24620; (2012); A2;,
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